October 2, 2009


For the past few days I've been really sick..... Woke up with a bad Soar Throat on Saturday, went out with the boys to AC to drink till i felt sick there, was complaining to Cheryl that it was cold and I was wearing a JACKET..... Head was spinning badly and went home around 4.30 maybe....
On Sunday, was suppose to go to Sungai Wang with mummy for shopping but when she woke me up I just couldn't take it, I was shivering in my room with on the FAN ON, so mummy took me to the clinic because she was afraid that I got H1N1, went to the FIRST clinic and I waited for like 30 minutes there, it was just so damn bloody long, 1 patient goes in for like an hour or so.... So mummy took me to the other clinic cause I just can't stand it there, it was smelly, dark and a lot of sick people walking up and down so many times it was just giving me a headache... So went to the other clinic got in like 20 minutes later, FINALLY!!!!! went in the Doctor says that I have high fever and my asthma came back LOL..... Went home to sleep, made myself milo and a piece of bread to eat.... took my medicine and sleep then out of no where, I couldn't breathe lol... called mummy using my phone, she was out but rushed home after the call, right after that I VOMITED MILO ewwwww........ so disgusting wei........ mum came home took care of me then I fell asleep again...... I feel asleep with a towel on my head..... After the fever was gone on Tuesday, I was down with FLU!!!!!!!!!! argghhhhhhh I hate flu.... Everything was fine, and I went out for yum cha with Cally, Gary and Brandan at Strawberry Fields..... And of course, I went out on Wednesday..... Was with Sachin, Lee Sze Wei, Hans and Cally at MIST!!!!!!!!!! was just PISSED DRUNK.... never drink in such a long time... lol miss drinking now :( met gary after MIST.... I'm still not going to start drinking again......... NO MORE DRINKS FOR ME!!!!

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