In my college, there is a couple who just NEEDS TO GET A ROOM!!!
Ok, girl A and guy B are a couple, basically every where they go, they ALWAYS have to be kissing. Not just smooching, but FRENCHING in Restorans, Train, Mamak, McDonald, while crossing the road and etc.......
Its guy B's first love...... So he basically doesn't know anything about this relationship stuff. So girl A has suddenly brain washed B into doing this and that for her. Can you blame the guy for being stupid??? NO, its his first time being in a relationship more like FREE LIVE PORN walking around college.......B does everything A says........ How stupid B can be right?????
Today, I found out that my friends had saw B TYING A's shoelaces infront of college!!!! How stupid B can be!!!!!!!!!!! And he is likie a slave to her, nobody that stupid will do that, and the best part is, she DOESN'T give sex!!!! So what does this guy wants from this bitch??