March 14, 2011

if its meant to be, it'll be yours forever

somethings we can't force to do/have,
there is nothing we can do to have it.
people always say "fight for what you want", when a person fights too hard, they get exhausted. we only want happiness in life. we make others to be happy, even though we have to be the bad one. to see their happiness, we'll be happy. we fight for what we want is because we know that it'll make us happy. when fighting for that special someone & you got them, you'll be the happiest person. being with them is like paradise. you'll never stop fighting until it ends. somethings takes time. if fighting too hard, you'll be might lose them in the end. take a breather and clear your mind, it'll be better soon when fire is burning, its always better to put it out. setting them free for a period hurts badly. holding on to it tightly will only make things worst & lose them forever. in some situations people let go. & some get back together and have a better relationship. taking a time off, is not called a break up but relaxing your mind and clear things out. birds need to spread their wings and fly, not caged up. set them free, if they don't come back then its not meant to be. forcing them to stay, pressuring them in any way will only drive them away. its a bumpy road but i am never letting go iloveyou goodnight & sweetdreams loves xoxo

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